Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Introducing Super Ordinary Mum

Hi and welcome to my first ever blog.  I have been wanting to write a blog for a long time now, but really just didn't quite know where to start.  So.... here goes, my first attempt.  Do you like my title?  Are you tired of reading blogs by mums who are "super organised" and "super on top of everything" in which they tell you, all you need to do is this?  Well, I love reading those blogs, and let me tell you, one day I am hoping to BE one of those super organised mums/housewives etc.  But for now, staying one step ahead of my increaslingly demanding lifestyle and children is the best I can do.

About me - I am a mum of two children - Monster 1 (7 yr boy) and Monster 2 (3 yr girl) and I love them both to bits. They have changed me and my life beyond belief.  Sometimes too, I find them incredibly frustrating!  I am also a wife, work two days a week (just having returned to the workforce this year after a 6 year absence) and of course do all the other "normal" things a mum does.  Life is full and busy.

Will my blog change your life - probably not, but maybe it will help reassure you that whatever you do each day, as long as you can smile at the end of it and have a nice thought and not a destructive one, it's ok.  We are all just learning and making it up as we go.  Life is for living and a messy house is not the end of the world.  Love the miute, cherish your child/children/husband/partner or whoever or whatever is special in your life, because in the end THAT my friends, is what LIFE is all about.

Keep embracing the ordinary xxx