Wednesday, 21 March 2012

The Fairies Have Come to Live

Do you have a little girl that  loves everything fairies.... well we do!

It is M2's Birthday on Sunday - she turns the big 4 
(almots a grown up if you ask her).

  We have been busy preparing for her first "real" party.  
One where she actually gets to choose who comes.  
As part of her gift, we are inviting the fairies into our garden.

Here is how we are making own little world of fairies.....

Firstly, we cleared a garden, removing all the weeds etc
(something we have been meaning to do for ages).

This allowed space around our perfect tree.

Secondly, hubby went to work creating.
He cut the tree off a little and made some steps.
Starting to take form....

The door is 3D but doesn't open.
We will be planting flowers and putting in some better solar lights. 
A trip to Bunnings I think is in order.

I will post some better pictures soon.

What do you think? 
Do you have a little girl who would love some fairy magic?
(google "fairy doors" for more inspiration!)


  1. I LOVE it and I just showed my little girl Mikala and she wants one too!

    1. Aren't they great! Google "Fairy Doors" and you will be provided with lots of inspiration!

  2. oh too cute! My little girl would love this! I will have to see if our new home has a good tree for it!

    1. There is a great range of internal ones to. We made ours, but you can but pre-made. Google "Fairy Doors"

  3. We bought some a few months ago, and when we finish painting and doing the floors in the house we're going to install one in the hallway for our little boy. We're going to occasionally leave a glitter trail and some flowers scattered around it for him to find in the morning. I, too, wrote about it on my blog!

  4. Hi, I found your blog via The Organised Housewife. I love this, much more 'real' than the ones you can get for inside! You guys did a great job. I iwsh we had a tree like this to do the same. I've just joined your blog and look forward to reading your post this year :) Tash (


I love reading your comments.... thanks!