Saturday, 17 March 2012

Peace - in so many forms. Grateful for...

I love the 52 Weeks of Grateful posts by Maxabella Loves.  Each week I love visiting other blogs and reading their interpretation of the theme (if they are using it for inspiration) and just seeing really what they are grateful for.

This week's theme - Peace.  I loooove this idea.

Peace can come in so many unexpected ways.  Here are just some that I find, sometimes'

  •  the peace and quiet on my back deck in the morning or afternoon
  • watching my children sleeping 
  • lying in bed awake in the morning before anyone else is making noise
  • standing under the shower, in our now, beautiful bathroom
  • sitting with a cup of coffee, quietly
  • listening to rain on our tin roof while sipping a glass of wine (on our deck of course)

So many ways.... do I find each of theses - daily?  weekly?  No, but when prompted I realise how many opportunities for peace there are within my life.

But also I am grateful for PEACE. 

The kind that means we are not at war, within this country anyway (and that is not to diminish the job our soldiers and their families are doing overseas - fighting and peace keeping at all!)

I have travelled in countries where I have witnessed sobbing mothers unwilling let their boys board buses for military service (Turkey).

I have visited the beaches where the troops of "The Great War" landed, and turned the sand and the water red with their sacrifice. (France)

I have stood in the trenches of Gallipoli,gobsmacked at the proximity of the "enemy" trench.

I have listened to the last post played, and each time it makes me cry.

Yes, I am grateful for Peace.   In all its forms.

Lest we forget.


  1. Lovely post. Peace is definitely something to be grateful for. xx

  2. The 'big' peace is something that I am grateful for every day too. And your thoughts on the 'little' peace are really interesting - I am going to be looking for more ways to find those little moments of peace every day. Find them and notice them! Thanks, Sooz. x

  3. yes peace is so blissful. I love when I get home from work in the middle of the night and it's dead quiet. I always like to check my emails even if I'm tired, because it's just so relaxing to sit with out any bother.

  4. Ahh... the peace of sleeping children! I arrived home on Friday night to find my 20yr old asleep on the lounge. Even big kids look peaceful when they are sleeping!

    My front porch with a coffee, or a wine, is my peaceful place and I especially love sitting there watching the rain.

  5. Very touching - thanks for the reminder. So much we take for granted, but we have "peace" on our doorstep, literally.


I love reading your comments.... thanks!