Monday, 26 March 2012

Grateful for Baking.... Birthday Cake!!!

I seem to be all out of kilter with my blogging and which topic is what week etc  at the moment, so to heck with it all. 
 I am posting a short one about baking.

This is extra special, 'cause I don't normally like to post photos of my two monsters (M1 & M2), because I like the anonymity... 
But this is an exception.  
I guess I am ready to come out of the closet.

Baking makes me happy because on the weekend my beautiful girl, M2 turned 4.  And I had the pleasure of baking and decorating this cake for her.

 And this was the end result that really counted.

I am grateful that I have  the opportunity to do this for her.

Sooz xxxx

PS - No, that is not me at the back, that was our wonderful face painter Nadia.


  1. Gorgeous cake Sooz! My little girl thinks she might like one like that too! Annaleis xx

  2. A triumph, Sooz, what a sweet cake. M2 is adorable. Happy birthday to her! x


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