Friday, 14 December 2012

Grateful for Crying (yes crying!)

This week I am grateful for Crying.  Yes crying.  It can make you feel so many things.

Sometimes, as a woman the only response to something is to cry.  I feel like I have been crying for months. I am an emotional type person.  I am actually grateful for this, this crying epidemic that has been going on.

I have cried with happiness
I have cried with pride
I have cried with despair
I have cried with anger
I have cried with guilt
I have cried with tiredness
I have cried at what might have been
I have just cried

Crying is good for the soul.  It lets all that pent up emotion out and literally wash away, wash away down your face. Very therapeutic.

I cried while watching my beautiful Miss 4 graduate from Kindy earlier this week.  Complete in cap and gown.  Ridiculously cute.  She did this after starring in the Christmas play.  Her lines?  "There is no room at the Inn.  You will have to sleep in the stable.  Can you hear me Mummy??"  Beautiful, and tear inducing! "Why are you crying Mum" Mr 9 asks.  As I was unable to speak, hubby replies to him "because she is happy".  Try get that through your head at age 9. 

Mr 9 just nodded and looked at me strangely, then snuggled in to give me a cuddle.  He understood me.  He didn't understand why I was crying, but he understood that I needed some comfort.

I have the most wonderful and understanding husband in the world. Followed very closely by some wonderful girlfriends who understand me and let me cry.  And of course, my beautiful children.

Don't be afraid to cry.  It actually is very good for your soul.  Although, I hope I do a little less of it in 2013.

Linking up with 52 Weeks of Grateful.....


  1. My kids have been asking me, 'Is this a happy cry or sad cry?' And I cried at the kindy graduation, too ;) (and about to start again once I remembered about it)

  2. I was in tears at my boys Kindy graduation as well, after a very tough year as a family it was so darn good to laugh and celebrate all that he's achieved. Loved this post :-) I'm inspired to cry more x


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