Sunday, 30 December 2012

A Heart Full of Love....

"A heart full of love... " that is what the song says in Les Miserable, and the song that keeps playing over and over (and over  and over) in my head.

And that, at the end of 2012 is what I have to be grateful for.

My heart, as battered as it may feel right now, is FULL of love.

Love for my husband.

Love for my beautiful, individual, different, eccentric, annoying and "can't live without you" friends.

Love for my beautiful, happy and healthy children.

Love for the end of the year.  2012 has been "bit of a year"..

My heart is full of love. And for that I am truly grateful. 

Thanks Maxabella... for your 52 Weeks of Grateful project.  I may not have been here every week, but I look forward to seeing you next year.

Sooz xxxx

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful sentiment to end a year on and begin a new, Sooz. A heart full of love. Now that song will be in my head all day too and I'm glad of it.

    I hope the year ahead is full of love. x


I love reading your comments.... thanks!