Saturday, 22 December 2012

Time to Enjoy - Grateful for Rest

Finally, my working year is over.  Hip, hip hooray!  I need not open the dreaded "work laptop" until next year.

No more saying "sorry, Mummy has to work" .

A small respite from the early starts.

A break in which time I can relax.  Slow down and enjoy the holidays.

After what the world can only describe as a traumatic week, I think it is time for everyone (who can) to take a moment and find the "happy".

Here is some of my "happy" from this week so far....

This week I shared "bubbles" with my boss to celebrate a very busy year at work

My husband received the final "all clear" from the doctors.

Mr 9 had a friend over to play and then we went to the movies.

Miss 4 made and delivered Christmas cards to all her Kindy friends.

Miss  4 finished Kindy.

We looked after my BFF two beautiful girls so she could go Christmas shopping.  This made us all happy,

I have re-discovered Les Miserable, and still love it just as much.

And I could list more.

Lucky for me, I have the time to rest, relax and enjoy some happy. I hope you all do too.

Linking up with Kidspot for 52 Weeks of Grateful.


  1. Love your happy moments! I have so much making me thankful and happy this year! I also can't wait to see Les Mis xx

  2. Rest is a wonderful thing to be grateful for! So glad your husband has been given the all clear! Merry Christmas!


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