Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Riding the Rollercoaster

I've had bit of a week (year).  It has been a really emotional one for me.  Hubby went back to work full time.  M1 finished Grade 3.  M2 graduated from Kindy.  M2 has been sick.    M1 has struggled with headaches.  And I have felt all the emotions from joy to despair and everything in between.

I said in a previous post that I life is a roller coaster and that I was going to throw my hands up in the air and enjoy the ride.  Well, I tried..... and somehow this little family has come out ok.  Tired, but ok.

Sometimes life is like that. Everyone is tired. We all need the end of year break, and thankfully it is not long to wait now.  We are all ready to kick 2012 to the curb and be done with it.

December, this is when I start to reflect and plan ahead.  Think about what lessons I have learnt (that is a whole different post!), and during 2012 there have been plenty of them.

Already I am planning my routine for 2013.  I don't believe that a new year is a magic pill for a happier or easier life, but I do think it provides a focus point to start with.

My life will be very different next year.  Both my beautiful children will be at school full time (sob!) so I will have some more free time on my hands.  I have a feeling this will fill very quickly.  My working hours are already getting a bit trickier to manage.

It's time to bring more sunshine into our life.  To bring more spontaneous "happy moments".  These are the things the kids love.

So for now to feel a little melancholy is ok.  It's all part of the healing and regenerating process.  

I hope you are all ok out there.... thanks for listening to me during this year.

Back soon with what I have learnt during 2012.

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