Saturday, 14 January 2012

2011 - What Went Right (SYL Week 1)

I am taking part in the Home Life Simplified Simplify Your Life 52 Week Challenge.  Week one is about reflecting on what went right in 2011.  What a great idea.  Here are my thoughts (in no particular order) - warning this is a long post..........
  • I made a beautiful and life long friendship.  This amazing person came into my life as someone else left, and I have never been so grateful.  Thank you beautiful lady.  I know you and I and our familys' will be friends for many years to come.  You are one of the positive people who lifted me up this year.  And of course my mum and my BFF in Tassie who also helps keep me sane.
  • I successfully juggled the home/work/school balance.  Not always perfectly, and not always without one side being up or down more than the other, but I did it well enough to go back and try and do it all again this year.
  • My family made me feel happy.  Seeing M1 settle into a class he was happy in and cement some friendships makes my heart feel good.  Also seeing M2 settle so well into day care - this was her first year, made my life so much easier.
  • Our backyard helped to bring our family together.  My kids love doing things outside.  M1 is (generally) very good at "teaching" his little sister (M2) how to play cricket, soccer, climb a tree etc.  Watching and participating with them in these activities brought us all together - and without even having to leave home.
  • Lying in my husband's arms always makes me feel at peace, and I needed him more than ever throughout this year.  He is my rock and my soul mate.  He understands me, tolerates me, supports and encourages me.  He also laughs at me too - which is sometimes just what I need. 
  • Going to the gym and exercising helped fill my tank.  So did going to "Book Club" and cooking with my children.  So did taking part in the "Happy Place Challenge" with Nathalie from Easy Peasy Kids.  Happy moments are everywhere.  We just need to let them in.
  • Starting this blog made me feel excited and helped keep me focused on the good things going on all around me.  It also gave me a place to vent and be able to let go of negativity.
  • I have learnt that I am strong and capable - and for that I am grateful.  I have connected better with M1, which for me is a constant challenge.  But it has been better than it ever has before and I believe it will only continue to get better.
So looking back, there are lots of positive things that went on through 2011.  And really when I read back over this list, it is just the tip of the iceberg.  And one very smart lady once said "re-frame" your experiences and you will see there can be rainbows everywhere.  Keep embracing the Ordinary!


  1. Well I really enjoyed reading your blog. It made me smile (as it felt very familiar) and your profile made me actually chuckle out loud ... again the familiarity of it resonated in me loudly. I'm looking forward to the SYL challenge and will be checking back in as the weeks go by.

    1. Thanks for commenting! I am looking forward to following some blogs on this too. Good luck!

  2. So many wonderful things - I loved reading the bits about you and your hubby - so sweet and loving

    1. Thanks Deb - I have been learning along the way, and like you struggled with depression at times. It is getting better, and simple things like this help. Thanks!

  3. I loved reading your post. So many lovely family things to be grateful for in 2011. Family is so important to me and it's lovely to read about someone enjoying the simple things with family. These are truly the best and something I want to spend a lot of 2012 enjoying. Good luck on the challenge :)

    1. Thanks Casojaha - My Family is everything. Good luck for 2012!

  4. It's nice to see that the home/work/school balance can be done with such love in your family. I look forward to following your blog this year.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Hope you enjoy the journey!

  5. re-frame" your experiences and you will see there can be rainbows everywhere - I love this!

    1. "reframing your experiences" or what is going on around you is one of my favourite sayings. It has helped me a lot. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

  6. Hello! I have just started blogging and the syl12 challenge. I also discovered how strong I really am in 2011. I am also a working mummy (who needs to practice what she preaches in my personal life a little more) and I am looking forward to hearing how you find juggling it all.

    1. Thanks for joining me! I will try and do this ever week, but sometimes life will get in the way. Good on you for finding how strong you are. I think we surprise ourselves all the time. Good luck!


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