Tuesday, 3 January 2012

A New Journey Begins - Bring it on 2012

I have been reading back through my blog posts, and what struck me most was how "angsty" everything was.  I think I need to rename my blog "Angsty Pants".  

So............. with that in mind I thought it was time to re-evaluate why I want to write a blog and start to re-frame it.  Less angst and more joy - a la Nathalie at Easy Peasy Kids.  She always has great advice and happy comments and words of wisdom to pass on.

From here on in, this blog will be (mainly) about the joyful, fun and happy moments in my life.  Life is too short for angst and sad reflection. There may be a couple of posts that sneak past me, but I will try my best.

I have read lots of "mum blogs" this year, and some of my favourites are Daisy Roo and Two, The Imperfect Mum and A Little Space Like Home.  These women all have inspiring stories and are "keeping it real" out there in the blogging and FB world.  Thanks girls!
And of course I love Sunny Mummy.

In fact this is what I am going to try and be in 2012 - a Sunny Mummy!

Forget "yummy mummy" - that is just not a realistic proposition for those of us who live in the real world, with floors to wash, dinners to cook and children to look after.  I am going to start looking after me first.  If I am not happy, how can I be happy and in the moment with my children?

Last year, 2011, was not a great year for me personally in some ways.  I was misjudged by some people for caring and branded "toxic" for venting my frustrations over some "inadequacies" in the educational institution my son attends.  MY OPINION PEOPLE - MY OPINION!!!!  Let it go and move on.

I was however blessed with a beautiful new friendship - one that I know will last.  As cliched as it is, when one door closes, another one opens.  How true, one door was certainly slammed shut, but the one that swung open is so great.  Thank you - you know who you are.

So instead of resolutions - here are my goals for 2012

Be kind to and look after myself.
Worry less about what other people think - and more about what I do.
Love my children to bits and play with them more often
Live in the moment
Drink less wine
Exercise more
Learn to love me for me
A pretty big list - but there it is out there in the universe for everyone to see.
Judge me - or don't.

I am very good at putting things in balloons and letting them go.  Thanks mum for teaching me that.

So here is to the beginning of another chapter.

2012 will be whatever I make it - and I intend to soak up everyday!

Happy New Year

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