Saturday, 4 February 2012

Grateful for Smiles - What Made me smile this week?

What a great topic to write about.  So many things this week made me smile.  
Thank you Maxabella loves for the great topic.

Working at tuck shop (for the first (but not last) time ever) - helping the school community, a good friend and getting bonus cuddles from M1 all by doing this  made me smile.

Watching my beautiful M2 being "Angelina Ballerina" all week and clutching the mail she received made me smile.

Realising that I am finally getting myself/house/work/school/life balance organised and working for me.  Yes it is taking time, but I am finally getting there.  This made me smile.

An impromptu invitation to a friends house after school on a hot day so my kids could have a swim.  Thinking about this still makes me smile.

Reading about someones passion to support ALL mums, not just working mums or SAHM.  All of us mum's are just mums.  No one in better or worse at it - we are all doing the best we can with what we have.  Knowing my kids think I am "the best mum ever" makes me smile.

A very good friend collecting my "spare child" after school (and taking him for Baskin & Robbins no less) so I could stay at work for a bit longer - that made me smile.  THANK YOU!

Really, I could go on and on this week, but I will stop.  Stop and just keep smiling. 


  1. This is a beautiful post. I hope that the next week has even more smiles for you!

  2. A gorgeous list . I am looking forward to getting myself/house/work/school/life balance organised and working for me too - once my twins start school Monday.
    I want to work in the canteen too( 1 a month maybe).

  3. Your post made me smile :) what a lovely look back. Good luck on your balance, I'm working on that too and as the days go by I'm feeling less and less overwhelmed :) small steps

  4. :)
    When you have finished organising your work/life balance ...organise mine please!

  5. I'm smiling just reading this! Things seem so good at your place. You know, you only ever have to be the best mum in the world to the people who really matter: you kids. The rest of the world is just icing. x


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