Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Today was my day off...

As I sit here writing this, I have a nagging feeling that I should really be finishing the folding up and doing a "quick" wash of the floors.

Thing is though - I am knackered.  See, so far today (and yes, this is a similar day for sooo many mums out there) I have done the following things (and it is on 2.15pm)

  • 2 loads of washing
  • The school run for M1 and kindy run for M2
  • Returned home to look for M1's missing hat (how can you lose a hat inside the house???)
  • Gone back to school to help with "language groups" for M1 (wow - they are an eye-opener)
  • Helped (with some very good friends) in the tuck shop at M1's school
  • Gone to "Officeworks" to try and find randomly requested "art folio" for M1 - a little more information please teachers
  • Traipsed to two completely different shopping centres in different suburbs in search of elusive white boys shorts (yes white!  What are you thinking Cricket Australia??).  Purchased white shorts - in two sized just to be safe
  • Went to bank to bank cheque.
  • Find book as requested by M1
  • Also get book for M2 - to avoid a tantrum when she gets home (I know - BAD mother)
  • Grocery shopping (bought and unpackedonce home)
  • Bake brownies
  • Get ready to collect M1 and his friend to bring home from school for a play date.
As Tommy the Tug-Boat would say "Phew - I'm Exhausted!"

Thing is though, I have really enjoyed my day. Yes it was very busy and yes I am tired and the day is not over yet, but this kind of day is why M2 is in daycare on a Wednesday.  So I feel lucky to be able to afford the luxury of helping at school and still do all the "mum" things.

I went to the swimming carninval on Monday for M1 - another luxury, as I know a lot of working parents can't make these events. So I helped a wonderful friend out by sending her photo updates of how her Miss 8 was doing on the day.  It made everyone feel good.

I really don't know how full time working mums manage the juggle everyday.  To quote a much loved/hated book - I don't know how she does it!  As long as we all stick together and have each others backs, I think we will be ok.

What did you get up to today? 

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Feels like we do a million things in one day and get nowhere .....but our children do appreciate our helping at school, it's something they will look back on with happiness!


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