Sunday, 19 February 2012

I Feel it in my Fingers .... Grateful for Nature

Hasn't the year gone fast?  Week 4 of school (here in Qld at least) seems to have hit our family like a brick.  We have all felt totally tired and "wiped out" for some reason.  It's like the monotomy of it all has sunk in - "you mean we have to do this again? And again? For the next how many weeks?"

That's ok - becuase we all have our own way of coping with it.  
Becaue I felt tired on Monday, after dropping M1 at school I asked M2 what she would like to do today.  Her reply "go to a park I have never been to mummy, please".  So off to Manly (Qld) we drove.  This is M2's way of coping with busyness, and it makes me stop too.

Now, it wasn't exactly a new park for her, but it was one she had only been to once, quite a while ago.

We had the playground to ourselves, and while she explored, I sat and just enjoyed being in the beautiful sunshine, overlooking the water on a perfect day.  She played happily and then we played together "visiting each others houses".  It was a beautiful morning.

I am spoilt where I live.  We can walk to a number of beautiful parks, drive to many more and have the foreshore, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast all within 2 hours (some as close at 20 minutes).  

This is the view from my back deck.......... where I can sit every day and watch my two beautiful monsters playing. We live in the middle of suburbia, but to sit on our deck you would think you are on acerage somewhere.   The amount of scoccer and cricket that has been played in this backyard......

See the tree and cubby house?  M1 loves to climb up both and sit on top for his bit of quiet.

We have kookaburrars and owls visit us.  We have blue tounge lizards too.  

 Our albino kookaburra that like to visit.

Yes, I think I am grateful for nature. 
 I am immersed in it everyday, and just didn't realise quite how much. 

I'm linking with Maxabella Loves @ Kidspot for 52 weeks of Grateful.  Why don't you?


  1. Beautiful post! I miss taking my two to the park regularly now that they are both on school!
    I love my backyard too!

  2. What an amazing part of the world you live in! It's wonderful there.

    I agree about the over and over and over and over and... Yes, I agree! x


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