Saturday, 18 February 2012

STOP and Feel the Love

My hubby and I don't "do" Valentines Day.  Which is fine, I would rather do something nice on another, random day like Matisse up Late at GOMA.  Well done baby for organising!

However, this year M2 (my daughter who is nearly 4) has been obsessed with Valentines Day since watching an episode of Angelina Ballerina that incorporates this.  So for the past 10 days she has been busy making cards and "delivering them to her friends".  She has also inspired her class at day care with her enthusiasm, and they have been busy creating there too.  It is delightful to watch her so engrossed.

 Valentines Day is meant to be about Romance.  Romance as opposed to Love.  So what is the difference?

The difference is that someone you love will hold you when you are sad, angry, grumpy - not just when you are happy - through the good and bad times so to speak.  A romantic?  Maybe not so much?  I don't know.

Romance is about beautiful moments that don't last, and maybe are not realistic. Or is it??

Romantic gestures  happen all the time around us.  My hubby makes me a coffee EVERY morning.  He doesn't make a big deal of this, he just does it as part of his routine.  That to me is romantic.  I left a note in my sons lunchbox at school the other day (first time I have ever done this) that said "hope you are having a nice day, love Mum" and he said it was a bit embarrassing - bless him!  That is a different kind of romantic.  Making M2 a Valentine card and placing it in the mailbox outside the cubby house so she can find it, another kind of romance.

What is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me?  Well my husband composed a piece of music for String Quartet for our wedding, which was played while we were "signing the register".  Nothing will top that for me - EVER.

Romance is not just about flowers and chocolates, it is about seeing the beautiful all around you, everyday.

I had planned to cook some family favourites for dinner on Valentines Day night, but for lots of reasons things went pear shaped with M1 & M2 (yes, I may have over-reacted), so it didn't happen that night.  But the next day we all moved on.

I set the table, decorated it and made the promised dinner.  The kids were thrilled, we talked about our day,  about what is going on in our family and genuinely connected.  And who doesn't like risotto followed by brownies and ice-cream for dinner- all home made?

Yes, romance is everywhere - and sometimes the best romantics are the littlest people in your life.  But you know what - they learn from the biggest, so thank you my beautiful family!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely post. I love it when things challenge my thinking and make me stop and look at things in a different way. I would have said love and romance are the same thing, now you've got me seeing the difference :) Well done for raising such romantic little people, your daughters enthusiasm sounds adorable!


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