Friday, 10 February 2012

It's been a week....

It has been quite a week in our household.  

And I feel numb.

Everyone is ok.  Sort of.  As ok as you can be when all in one week,

  • You find out your hubby has significant heart problems, that will need open heart surgery
  • Your brother in law (not the one I argued with) has open heart surgery.  He is 41.
  • You are told your oldest cousin has cancer - and the outcome is not looking good.  She has 3 boys - the youngest finishing year 12.
  • The woman who drowned in Roma after saving her son, was your Aunts niece
  • Your hubby is undergoing more tests on hearing and balance to work out what's and why he can't hear properly in that ear and causing the sudden onset dizziness.
Like I said, it's been a week. 

I feel like I have been hit by a bus, and yet somehow feel it is not ok to be the one crumpling under the pressure, because none of this is actually happening to me.
Life is strange.  Just saying.

I know things will be ok, and believe it or not, mixed up in all of the above I still have so much to be grateful for.  I have also experienced lots of happy moments this week, with more coming.

Time to take a deep breath, relax, smile and get ready for round 2.

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