Saturday, 11 February 2012

Food, Glorious Food.... Grateful for Food

"Food, glorious food, cold jelly and custard, while we're in the mood..." you know how it goes.

This week at 52 Weeks of Grateful, with Maxabella Loves it is all about being grateful for food. What a simple thing to stop and be grateful for.

How much do you take for granted having a fridge full of food, some of which you will throw out because you never got around to eating it?  Is your pantry the same?  Mine is.

 This year, I am really trying to be mindful of the food we eat and using what we have in our fridge/freezer/pantry before running to the shops to but more supplies.  This means some meal planning at times, and a little bit of creative cooking, but that's ok.  It is kind of forcing me to get organised, which is a good thing.

It is such an affluent and wasteful society that we live in, sometimes it is hard to see the abundance that is around us, and not to waste it.

There are millions in the world that are starving, and wouldn't care that the apple has a spot on it, or that the banana is a bit "brown".  Grateful for food   Yes indeed I am.

So, I am grateful that I live in a country of plenty, that basically I can eat whatever I want.  I am also grateful for the opportunity  to sponsor a child through World Vision and help their community get food.   Yes, truly I am grateful for food.


  1. Hear hear, SOM. We take it for granted at our place. All week being more careful with food has been a major preoccupation of mine. How can I do better? x

    1. If only I knew the secret! I do truly believe that we keep way too much in our houses - if we just shopped and cooked seasonally (like they do in Italy) we would be fine. I am trying......... trouble is it take organisatoin!

  2. I totally agree.
    I am much more aware of how lucky we are and how careful I should be - I'm doing less big shops cos I find I waste less

    1. God on you ally. You get in the swing it is not that hard m. online shipping is another option, that way you avoid temptation thanks for stopping by.

  3. Now it's just me I am afraid my fridge and pantry are rather empty! But I am grateful I can go and buy fresh when I need too!!! Love your food sign...can I pinch it and put it on my fridge?!!!!!

    1. Of course you can. Images courtesy of printerest. Tnat is not my pantry, if only it looked that good.

  4. What a great post and a great initiative we should all take :)

  5. I'm working on a similar goal, making my family more aware of where food comes from and the hard work that goes into growing it and preparing it.


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