Friday, 27 January 2012

Like Dora says "We Did it........."

So that is the first week of school for 2012 officially OVER (in Qld anyway).  Well done everyone for making it through!  It seems everyone I know has had a good transition back into the world of routines, lunches, school bags, pick ups and drop offs.

M1 is happy - he likes his teacher, has a nice group of friends to sit with in class and has re-established friendships with some of his mates from last year.  So has M2.  Her return to day care was tear free.  She was very excited to be becoming an "Echidna" and going into a new room.  Her teacher is fabulous too - she comes home bubbling over with the things she has done throughout the day.

So it seems that 2012 may just turn out to be OK.

What have I learnt so far?  You know, pearls of wisdom that I can share - Ha!  Honestly, not much really, but here are some things I know (as Oprah would say).

  • I know we will always worry about our children - even when we know they will be OK
  • I know that sometimes the "important moment" things are more important to us mums than they are to our children.  
  • I know that friendships will be made, and change.  Nothing is permanent, but the things that count last a long time and survive all kinds of weather. This is true for us and our children
  • I know that even though they drive me CRAZY - I love my children more than anything in the world (almost..)
  • I know I still love this time of night - kids both in bed asleep, and finally I can sit down and have a coffee.

I hope you all had a great week.  Here is to 2012 continuing just as it has started.  With happy smiling children, and people who are willing to see beauty everywhere and be happy!

1 comment:

  1. If I drank coffee at this hour I would be up all night.....maybe that'd one way to get the washing folded!
    Hope 2012 will continue to be happy for you!


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