Monday, 9 January 2012

One Week In

So the new year is now one week old, and I thought it would be wise to check in with some of  my goals and see how I was doing.

So far - not too badly.  I have walked nearly everyday.  It is great for mind and body.  My wonderful hubby lets me go for a walk at witching hour.  M2 can be put in the bath and M1 and he can amuse themselves easily and start getting the dinner preparations underway.  It is a good system.  We normally "tag team" then, and he will head out for a run once I get home.

I have tried to be kinder to myself - but this has sometimes meant I haven't been as kind to others as maybe I should be.  But I am trying.

I am living more in the moment, and this is allowing me to play and interact more with both M1 and M2.

The wine thing is going badly - I definitely need to do better with this goal.  It is such a ritual to enjoy a nice glass at the end of the day, but really not so good for the waistline. I can only seem to last a day or two without it and then cave in and have one again.  Must. Keep.  Trying.

The others are works in progress.....

Overall, not bad I guess. 

The year is certainly going to present a lot of new challenges, but I feel truly blessed that I have a healthy and happy family, that love me, and I them. 

I know some of you out there have a tough year ahead - you are in my thoughts.

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