Thursday, 3 January 2013

2013.... what I have learnt already.....

So the new year is almost one week old.  So what of it.  I have not made resolutions, why bother with something that is only going to make you feel bad.

What I have decided upon is some words to base my life around.

Consistency.  Routine.  Happiness.

2012 was a tough year, but it taught me that I can handle things.  It taught me that my kids can handle things.  It taught me to live in the moment and enjoy things for just what they are.

It also taught me the importance of consistency.  I needed to be consistent for my children.  I needed the consistency in their life to continue when mine and my husbands life was in turmoil. 

I needed the consistency to provide them with the things they relied on.  Consistency.  I like this word.

In 2013 I want it to have a new meaning.  I want it to mean that I can be consistent in looking after me.  By exercising consistently.  By eating well consistently.  By doing the best I can, consistently.

And I also want routine.

Routine, in so far as my family knows what to expect. 

That my kids know that on Monday it is library day, or sports day .... you know what I mean.

Routine and consistency.  Together I hope they bring this family happiness.

Happiness brought about by the pure simpleness of life. The simpleness that is found in consistency and routine.

Happy 2013.

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