Thursday, 2 June 2011

Just another day....

So today was meant to be about me and M2... but as it turns out the whole family is feeling very under the weather and that meant a day at home fror M1, after a trip to the doctor.

What I am wondering however, is what DOES is take to get my children to have a sleep through the day?  They are both so obviously unwell and tired (M1 last night even told us he didn't have enough energy to go to training - unheard of for him) yet, when it comes to rest time, suddenly they can't go to sleep.  I GIVE UP!  I have tried every trick in the book, but to no avail.

Today I needed to threaten M2 with "grumpy mum" (more on that another time) if she did not stop playing with her toys and just close her eyes and go to sleep.  Eventually she did, but by then it was after 2.30pm which means, even if we delay her bedtime she will be up late and then up early again tomorrow morning.  Arrgh!!!  How do you cope with the non-sleepers in your house?  I would love to hear....

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