Sunday, 22 July 2012

Loving the Outdoors

I have had an (almost*) completely fabulous weekend.  Don't you love it when that happens?

Friday night was "Book Club", which included dinner with the girls.  Awesome food, great company and an interesting discussion of the book. Love Book Club and my "girls".

Saturday was fairly normal, you know the kids sports/activities.  Except this time M2 and I went along and watched M1 play in his soccer game.  He did great! He saved two goals in the first half and played really well on the field in the second half.  Very proud Mummy moments.  It was great to get out into the sunshine and enjoy the beautiful Brisbane winter weather.

That afternoon, we lit the little pot-belly heater on our back deck early in the afternoon (think about 5.00pm) and enjoyed sitting in front of it, eating dinner, toasting marshmallows and having family time.  Finished the day (after putting a very tired M2 to bed) watching The Princess Bride with hubby and M1.  Love these times. 

And at the risk of this being an incredibly boring piece of writing, Sunday was just as nice.  I played M1 at checkers, whilst basking in the sun on our deck, the kids played outside in the morning, while I watched them from the deck, and after a visit to see their cousins, we have all come home feeling like we have had a very "outdoorsy" weekend.

So yes, I am grateful for the outdoors. How for granted do we take it?  I look outside from my little piece of suburbia and my view is one of trees, grass and open spaces.  It is great!  Love it. Loving our little fire heater (and the memories this is helping to create) and loving that I am soaking up these times with my little fam.

Need to go now, time to light the fire again.

Linking up with Maxabella at 52 Weeks of Grateful.

* ps - it was not totally awesome because late Saturday night was struck down with vomiting.

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