Wednesday, 23 January 2013


Do you believe in signs?  

Because, this week, I think I just may have been metaphorically slapped in the face by two of them.

Both on facebook.

One person, a celebrity.  
 One person who is an acquaintance.

Sometimes it happens like that.

It takes hitting the bottom to make you sit up and realise what you need to do next.

Two people who bear no relationship in my life have just stood up and "told" me to stop wandering around in the wilderness and step up.

Now I think about it, so did Mandy over here.  She doesn't know it.  But I do.

Every time I read her blog, something speaks to me.  I feel like we are kindred spirits.

I have been wanting to make changes in my life for a while now, but didn't have the strength to do so.  And that was not for lack of supporting people, great friends and the knowledge to do it.

I was great at making excuses and extending deadlines.

Finding more reasons.

But they have now stopped.

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

2013 is going to a great year.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Slowing Down.....

We did not go away for a holiday this year (2012/2013 Christmas holidays). It seemed too hard to plan.  The uncertainty of where we would all be and what we would be doing was too great.

So instead we are enjoying a "staycation".  That is, we are staying home and enjoying doing day and half day trips.  Waking up in the morning, sussing out the weather and then just deciding on what to do.

So far we have:
  • Visited Southbank
  • Enjoyed a trip to the Science Centre
  • Gone to the beach
  • Tried Rock Climbing
  • Walked/Scooted from Kangaroo Point to Southbank (and back again)
  • Visited the local pool
  • Watched the 9pm fireworks with both kids  - I know, how amazing, lol.
And as and added bonus, none of these places have cost us entry fees!  Of course they have included ice creams or coffees or both, but the kids are loving it.  The lack of rushing about to make sure we enjoy every second of being "on holidays".  The relaxed mornings are so much nicer.  We all wake and have breakfast - not necessarily all together, but when we need.  Eventually the beds get made and we change out of our pj's.  We have all be slowing down.  

Slowing down and enjoying that we have no "need" to "do" anything.  Slowing down for a time is so important.  No just for grown ups, but for the little people in our lives too. They also need time to recharge and just "be".  Down-time as such.

Sometimes in life we get so caught up in the rush and desire of what we think kids want, we forget what they really want is simple really.  

Our kids want us.

Our time - just for them.
Us to play with them - not tell them "in a minute".
Our undivided attention - just on them.
Us to stop and listen - to them, directly.  Not while we are sending a text or facebooking.

I try and remember this daily, but like anything it is hard to do.  

But it is so important to these little people.  

I am grateful that over the past three weeks (yes even including Christmas) we, as a family, have had time to relax, slow down and be together.  

To stop and read books, have backyard picnics. We have played board games, backyard cricket, fairy memory match and UNO.  Watched the cricket, probably watched way too much tv in general.  

But we are on holidays and like all good things, this time will be over soon, and the rush will set in. 

So for now, I am grateful for staycations, reading and the slow, lazy days of holidays.

Linking up with Maxabella over at Village Voices for 52 Weeks of Grateful.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

2013.... what I have learnt already.....

So the new year is almost one week old.  So what of it.  I have not made resolutions, why bother with something that is only going to make you feel bad.

What I have decided upon is some words to base my life around.

Consistency.  Routine.  Happiness.

2012 was a tough year, but it taught me that I can handle things.  It taught me that my kids can handle things.  It taught me to live in the moment and enjoy things for just what they are.

It also taught me the importance of consistency.  I needed to be consistent for my children.  I needed the consistency in their life to continue when mine and my husbands life was in turmoil. 

I needed the consistency to provide them with the things they relied on.  Consistency.  I like this word.

In 2013 I want it to have a new meaning.  I want it to mean that I can be consistent in looking after me.  By exercising consistently.  By eating well consistently.  By doing the best I can, consistently.

And I also want routine.

Routine, in so far as my family knows what to expect. 

That my kids know that on Monday it is library day, or sports day .... you know what I mean.

Routine and consistency.  Together I hope they bring this family happiness.

Happiness brought about by the pure simpleness of life. The simpleness that is found in consistency and routine.

Happy 2013.