Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Happy Place Challenge - Days 23 & 24

Wow, nearly at the end of the challenge.  Some days I have looked back and been spoilt for choice and some days nothing has really jumped out as a particular happy moment, so I  figure the whole day must have just been a good day.

So, with that in mind, what have been my happy moments from over the last two days?

Reading birthday wishes on FB
Talking to my BFF and learning about Lindt Cookies & Cream chocolates! Nom nom nom :) 
Realising that M2 is just as OK with daddy looking after her when she is sick as mummy
Getting to mend a broken fence with a friend - felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders!
Reading all the other happy moments on the Easy Peasy Kids "Happy Place" challenge

There are happy moments everywhere.  You just need to be aware of them.

1 comment:

  1. So very true, I'm pretty amazed at how many I can see now since starting the challenge and how it has been really simple happy moments x


I love reading your comments.... thanks!