Friday, 2 November 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yesterday was my birthday.... the big one, 40!  

And I loved every moment of it.

I was woken at 6.15am by Miss 4 coming into my bedroom saying "Happy Birthday Mama",  dressed in the party dress she had already chosen herself and, 
what we call her, "clompy" shoes.  Just beautiful.
 Joined soon after by Master 8 bounding into the bedroom, 
not to be left out of the celebrations.  Presents and cards exchanged.

What a great way to start a day!

The rest of my day was spent eating, talking, drinking (only a little bit) 
and receiving lots of lovely text messages.

Truly wonderful.  The best birthday ever.  I was surrounded by family. 
 Happy, healthy, loving family.

Made me realise that family truly is everything.  
How lucky I am to have mine all around me.  
I hope they stick around for the next 40 years.


  1. Happy Birthday.
    Sounds like a lovely day.

  2. Hello, many happy returns for this very special birthday. Great that you had a good day. I'm about 15 months off my 50th so 40 seems like a long time ago. The 40's have been great though, I'm definitely improving with age!

  3. Happy birthday! Apparently the 40's is the best decade!

  4. Happy Birthday! It sounds as though you had a fabulous day :)

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

  5. Happy birthday! Such a pretty card. Hope you had a lovely birthday.

  6. Happy Birthday!! It sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate your 40th.


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