Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Looking Forward - Time to Step Up

Finally, there is less drama in our little family!  I think now we can honestly all move forward.  Onwards and upwards.  2012 has been a tough year for us, and even though it is not yet over, I believe the worst is behind us.

But now it is time to re-focus and look ahead.  More than just the next couple of hours or days, which what life has been like for the past 8 months.

I think now that I (we) are finally through the worst of things, the adrenalin has worn off, and I am tired.  Really Tired.

I feel completely overwhelmed by the disarray my house has fallen into.  It is going to take time to clean it up and re-organise things.  I know once I do this, I will start to feel better.   So many things I want to do, just need to do them in small steps.  I know I can do it, but like anything, it will not all happen in one day.

It's time to re-focus on the family health as a whole.  We all need some fun times, times we can share and grow in together.  For me, I have started by walking again, with the aim of being able to run 10km by the end of the year.  Yes, 10Km!  M1 wants to come with me.  Soon I will invite him to come with me, but for now I need the time just for me.

Life is nothing without some goals - my goal is to get back to me.

So THANK YOU to everyone who has helped us through the year that has been.  Without you, I am not sure I would still be standing.  

Here is to the next chapter in our little life.


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