Sunday, 10 June 2012

Cold Weather brings Relaxation

Today I am grateful for the cold.  
The crisp cold that feels like it should be snowing.
The cold that makes you want to wear scarves and gloves.

The weather is unusually cold for a Brisbane winter today.  
It reminds me of living in London.

I love the cold weather.  Better clothes, better shoes, hot soup.  
Snuggling up with the kids and hubby.
Watching movies.
The smell of baking somehow warming up the house.
I could go on and on.

Our whole day has been about relaxation, and that is thanks to the cold.  

So today I am grateful for cold. 


  1. Lol I am so the opposite love the warmer weather! But it is nice to snuggle up with your loved ones! xxx

  2. hi! just wanted to stop by and say hello! I'm your newest follower and i found you through the 52 weeks of grateful which i am doing as well but i'm doing all vlogs! (videos!) which i thought would be fun! anyways, great post, I think it's wonderful to see what everyone is thankful for cause it just makes me that much more thankful/grateful myself, so thank you!! have a great week!!

  3. Sounds like a perfect day! I agree - they are the very best things about winter, and it being cold! xx


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