Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Spiders & Sand - Happy Place Challenge Day 17

What a mixed bag I had today.  It included a funeral, new sheets, Halloween costumes, milkshakes and spiders.  It reminded me that, really it is my kids who give me so many happy moments, if you let them.

In the morning I went and purchased a new doona cover for M2.  Tomorrow I will collect the one on order for M1.  M2 is desperate to get that on, the anticipation is beautiful, a definite happy moment. 

In the middle, I did some grocery shopping, including picking up some Halloween "stuff".  This has caused untold excitement in our house, because this year we are going trick or treating with 4 other "kids" for the first time.  And then, they are coming back here for a party and dinner.  Excitement all 'round!  Another happy moment.

After the middle, I went to a funeral (with M2 in tow) to support an extended family member.  I didn't really know the person who passed away, but I still shed a tear.  My Mum also came with me, so it is a shared experience, which I believe is essential to family life and history.  Afterwards the three of us went for a coffee and milkshake to regroup.  The rainbow after the rain.  Happy moment # 3.

At school collection time, I brought home an "extra" - she plays well with both M1 and M2 and together, they all had a wonderful time trying to scare each other with the plastic spiders I have bought in preparation for Saturday night.  Moment # 4.

I also enjoyed a really good cup of coffee, a chat with a friend and had my husband being at home with me for a third night in a row - a rarity of late.  Now it is time for bed.

So many happy moments.....I hope you had some too!


  1. My hubby made my tea this morning. Makes such a difference in the morning when I'm usually trying to get kids ready for school.

    Love & stuff
    Mrs M

  2. When we take the time to stop only for a few moments, so many happy moments come from our children xx


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