Friday, 21 October 2011

Spoilt for Choice - Happy Place Challenge Day 11

Today I feel very lucky.  I am spoilt for choice in my "Happy Moment Challenge" with Nathalie from Easy Peasy Kids .

For those of you who have been following this blog, you will know that I have had a couple of big events on at work lately.  This has meant some creative child minding arrangements have had to come into play.  Thank goodness I am lucky enough to have wonderful grandparents who agreed to take my beautiful monster 2 for a couple of nights at the beach.
This lead to "Happy Moment #1" .  When M2 was delivered home safely to me, she was soooo glad to be home, and she gave me the best cuddles, ever!!!  There is nothing on earth like cuddles from your child.

Happy Moment # 2 came from going out with my Mum the same night to listen to a concert my wonderful husband and his students were involved in.  "Do you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men...."  Five weeks, 150 combined performers from two different schools and 2 guest stars (Rachel Beck and Ian Stenlake) and - WOW!  What an amazing experience.

Music was never like this when I was at school.  So proud of my hubby and his students and all those involved, AND I loved the concert.

So many other happy moments today, I hope you had lots too!


  1. Its always so rewarding to watch people put all their hard work together for a night of entertainment. we recently went to a high school concert of grease, I think my 5 year old thought it was as good as the big theatre.

  2. It is amazing how hard students and teachers work for these productions, I'm always in awe watching the final show and seeing my Miss 15 confident, knowing her lines and acting her heart out. xx


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