Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Memories in the Sand

Every year we make the pilgrimage to "the beach" for our 2 weeks of rest and relaxation, after finally making it to the finish of the school/working year (they are one and the same for us). 

Each year as it draws nearer a great sense of anticipation starts to build within the family - especially with M1 who looks forward to the time that daddy, especially, spends with him.  

M1 loves to swim, boogie board, make sand castles and all the usual kid stuff. 

M2 this year is also getting a better understanding of what exactly our holiday means to us.  
This year she has "blow up togs" which means hubby and I can sit on the edge of the pool and watch the kids playing and not hop in unless we want to.  Ahhhh......... bliss!

It is amazing the difference of M2 being just that little bit more independent and able to cope with the rigours (yes rigours) of beach life make to a holiday.   It is tiring going to the beach, going for swims, bike rides, walks and trying to keep up with you big brother. It does generally ensure a sleep through the day though!

I think holidays (or vacations if you are American) are a really important part of childhood.  It is during these times great memories are made.  Traditions are started that will then be followed with your family.  

I remember going to the beach every year for a holiday with my family, well since forever really.

Summers in Queensland are about the beach.
They are about watching the cricket in the middle of the day when it is too hot to be outside.
Summer is about mango's and ice creams. 
This is what are holidays are about.
It is a privilege to be able to share this with our children.
I hope they are storing up the memories and will one day share and pass them on to their children.

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