Monday, 11 March 2013


Today I am grateful for learning, in all it's forms.

I love seeing the enthusiasm in my children's eyes as they learn how to do something new.   Sometimes this is through me as a parent showing them, sometimes they are inspired by their teacher.  Whatever has sparked their eagerness is ok with me.  To see the desire and joy on their faces as they improve is just priceless.

I have also been doing a lot of learning about myself. We are often our harshest critic.  I have learnt that it is ok to try things, fall down and get back up again.  I love that I am slowly learning to understand that I have flaws.  I have learnt to accept that some of my flaws can be improved, fixed if you will.  Also, some of them are just what makes me, well, me.

Sometimes in life it is so easy to focus on the small details we forget the big picture.

Everyday when we get up and go through the motions that make up our daily life, we are doing ok. I think we sometimes forget the wonder that kids get from learning their multiplication tables or discovering they can read the word "the". 

The challenge of the daily grind, the hassle of homework, school lunches, working etc is tiring.  But try and allow a little wonder into your adult view point again, and enjoy learning from your children's point of view.  Be grateful you can be part of the experience.  Linking up with Village Voices and 52 weeks of grateful.

1 comment:

  1. I almost ALWAYS fail to enjoy the journey. I'm all 'next thing next thing next thing'. I wish I would stop that!! x


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