Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Today was my day off...

As I sit here writing this, I have a nagging feeling that I should really be finishing the folding up and doing a "quick" wash of the floors.

Thing is though - I am knackered.  See, so far today (and yes, this is a similar day for sooo many mums out there) I have done the following things (and it is on 2.15pm)

  • 2 loads of washing
  • The school run for M1 and kindy run for M2
  • Returned home to look for M1's missing hat (how can you lose a hat inside the house???)
  • Gone back to school to help with "language groups" for M1 (wow - they are an eye-opener)
  • Helped (with some very good friends) in the tuck shop at M1's school
  • Gone to "Officeworks" to try and find randomly requested "art folio" for M1 - a little more information please teachers
  • Traipsed to two completely different shopping centres in different suburbs in search of elusive white boys shorts (yes white!  What are you thinking Cricket Australia??).  Purchased white shorts - in two sized just to be safe
  • Went to bank to bank cheque.
  • Find book as requested by M1
  • Also get book for M2 - to avoid a tantrum when she gets home (I know - BAD mother)
  • Grocery shopping (bought and unpackedonce home)
  • Bake brownies
  • Get ready to collect M1 and his friend to bring home from school for a play date.
As Tommy the Tug-Boat would say "Phew - I'm Exhausted!"

Thing is though, I have really enjoyed my day. Yes it was very busy and yes I am tired and the day is not over yet, but this kind of day is why M2 is in daycare on a Wednesday.  So I feel lucky to be able to afford the luxury of helping at school and still do all the "mum" things.

I went to the swimming carninval on Monday for M1 - another luxury, as I know a lot of working parents can't make these events. So I helped a wonderful friend out by sending her photo updates of how her Miss 8 was doing on the day.  It made everyone feel good.

I really don't know how full time working mums manage the juggle everyday.  To quote a much loved/hated book - I don't know how she does it!  As long as we all stick together and have each others backs, I think we will be ok.

What did you get up to today? 

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Dress-Ups - Grateful for Clothes

This was a tricky one Maxabella.... until I read your post, and found some inspiration.

You see I was thinking, "grateful for fashion - yeah, not so much"  Grateful that I have clothes to wear, as do my children, well yes.  But I think I kind of missed the point.

Maxabella reminded me how to be grateful for clothes - in a completely different way.  Thank you Maxabella.  If you have not read her post - click here to read it.  In fact, if you haven't yet found her blog, jump on over (but before you do, grab a coffee, you will be there enjoying the beauty for a while!).

So why am I grateful for clothes?

Because I see the delight my M2 has in choosing what clothes she wears each day - this is a BIG deal when you are almost 4.  I don't care that they don't always match.  What I care about is the smile of pride she has once she has dressed "all by myself".  I also loves how excited she gets putting on her ballet clothes every Saturday morning, after asking all week "is it ballet day today?".

The same goes for M1 - he looks so different in each thing he wears.  Put him in his school uniform and he looks like one of the crowd, watch him pull on his shin pads and boots and he is the next David Beckham (oh, how I wish that were true).  Cricket whites, or even the Milo In2 Cricket yellow shirt (hideous!) and he is the next Dave Warner.

Hubby getting dressed for work always brings a smile.  He still (too me anyway) looks hot in a shirt and tie, even after 20 years of being together.

And lastly, but as Stacey at Sunny Mummy would say NOT least importantly, I know when I put on some "me" clothes, normally with boots or heels I feel a little better some days.  Add a dash of lippy and you do feel lifted and ready to face the world again.

So (again), thank you Maxabella, yes I am Grateful for Clothes - but really - not fashion so much.

Friday, 24 February 2012

My Vision Board - 2012

This is my vision board for 2012.  

A little late in the year to be focusing on this perhaps, 
but completed none the less.

I love the idea of having this somewhere visible as a reminder of not only what I would like to achieve  (I don't like the word "want"), but also of the way I wish to live my life.

I think it is a great example to set my two monsters as well.

The images pretty much speak for themselves.

Travel, health, love, romance, learning, acceptance, relaxation (me time), fitness, kids activities.

The images are fairly ordered, as I would like more order (organisation?) in my life.

 What do you wish to achieve in your life?  Do you set goals or have a vision board?

Why not join me??

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

The Temperature is Rising

I am tired today.  But tired and happy.  My little girl is all better again.

On Monday M2 developed a very sudden temperature.  It had been a great morning together, we had achieved lots of things, had lunch and morning tea and then suddenly, HELLO temperature of 39.4 and a very lethargic child.

Off to the GP we went, he sent us straight to the hospital.  I hate hospitals.  "I'm scared" was all M2 could keep saying between cries and gulps for breath.  She was clutching me so tight and refused to let go.  Who can blame her?

Her little heartbeat was racing at 180 bpm instead of about 150 bpm where it should be.  The nurses did not like this at all. It is scary being less than 4 and in a hospital with lots of people prodding and poking at you.  

What amazes me is the calm that takes you over as a mum.  Yes I was very worried, but I was also very calm and rational.

All this happened before school pick up time (doesn't it always??) but I was able to get hubby to collect M1 and take him for a swim he was promised.  I was able to report back on M2s progress and calm her down as well.  The panadol helped too.

Luckily, all is well and "nothing" was wrong with her.  We were home a couple of hours later.  Thank you to the wonderful doctors and nurses at Mater Children's Emergency.

I can't imagine what it must be like having a seriously unwell child. The continuous visits to the hospital, having to watch your child hurting.  It's must be heartbreaking.

So to all you parents/carers out there with sick little children - I send you virtual hugs, and lots of them.  I hope your little one gets better soon too.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

I Feel it in my Fingers .... Grateful for Nature

Hasn't the year gone fast?  Week 4 of school (here in Qld at least) seems to have hit our family like a brick.  We have all felt totally tired and "wiped out" for some reason.  It's like the monotomy of it all has sunk in - "you mean we have to do this again? And again? For the next how many weeks?"

That's ok - becuase we all have our own way of coping with it.  
Becaue I felt tired on Monday, after dropping M1 at school I asked M2 what she would like to do today.  Her reply "go to a park I have never been to mummy, please".  So off to Manly (Qld) we drove.  This is M2's way of coping with busyness, and it makes me stop too.

Now, it wasn't exactly a new park for her, but it was one she had only been to once, quite a while ago.

We had the playground to ourselves, and while she explored, I sat and just enjoyed being in the beautiful sunshine, overlooking the water on a perfect day.  She played happily and then we played together "visiting each others houses".  It was a beautiful morning.

I am spoilt where I live.  We can walk to a number of beautiful parks, drive to many more and have the foreshore, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast all within 2 hours (some as close at 20 minutes).  

This is the view from my back deck.......... where I can sit every day and watch my two beautiful monsters playing. We live in the middle of suburbia, but to sit on our deck you would think you are on acerage somewhere.   The amount of scoccer and cricket that has been played in this backyard......

See the tree and cubby house?  M1 loves to climb up both and sit on top for his bit of quiet.

We have kookaburrars and owls visit us.  We have blue tounge lizards too.  

 Our albino kookaburra that like to visit.

Yes, I think I am grateful for nature. 
 I am immersed in it everyday, and just didn't realise quite how much. 

I'm linking with Maxabella Loves @ Kidspot for 52 weeks of Grateful.  Why don't you?

Saturday, 18 February 2012

STOP and Feel the Love

My hubby and I don't "do" Valentines Day.  Which is fine, I would rather do something nice on another, random day like Matisse up Late at GOMA.  Well done baby for organising!

However, this year M2 (my daughter who is nearly 4) has been obsessed with Valentines Day since watching an episode of Angelina Ballerina that incorporates this.  So for the past 10 days she has been busy making cards and "delivering them to her friends".  She has also inspired her class at day care with her enthusiasm, and they have been busy creating there too.  It is delightful to watch her so engrossed.

 Valentines Day is meant to be about Romance.  Romance as opposed to Love.  So what is the difference?

The difference is that someone you love will hold you when you are sad, angry, grumpy - not just when you are happy - through the good and bad times so to speak.  A romantic?  Maybe not so much?  I don't know.

Romance is about beautiful moments that don't last, and maybe are not realistic. Or is it??

Romantic gestures  happen all the time around us.  My hubby makes me a coffee EVERY morning.  He doesn't make a big deal of this, he just does it as part of his routine.  That to me is romantic.  I left a note in my sons lunchbox at school the other day (first time I have ever done this) that said "hope you are having a nice day, love Mum" and he said it was a bit embarrassing - bless him!  That is a different kind of romantic.  Making M2 a Valentine card and placing it in the mailbox outside the cubby house so she can find it, another kind of romance.

What is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me?  Well my husband composed a piece of music for String Quartet for our wedding, which was played while we were "signing the register".  Nothing will top that for me - EVER.

Romance is not just about flowers and chocolates, it is about seeing the beautiful all around you, everyday.

I had planned to cook some family favourites for dinner on Valentines Day night, but for lots of reasons things went pear shaped with M1 & M2 (yes, I may have over-reacted), so it didn't happen that night.  But the next day we all moved on.

I set the table, decorated it and made the promised dinner.  The kids were thrilled, we talked about our day,  about what is going on in our family and genuinely connected.  And who doesn't like risotto followed by brownies and ice-cream for dinner- all home made?

Yes, romance is everywhere - and sometimes the best romantics are the littlest people in your life.  But you know what - they learn from the biggest, so thank you my beautiful family!

Monday, 13 February 2012

How to Train Your Dragon - We have a WINNER

My son (M1) who is 8, loves to draw.  Sometimes they are quite good, and sometimes they are just normal everyday 8 year old boy drawings.  

So when I heard 97.3fm (Brisbane) are currently running a competition where the prize included a family pass (4 tickets), a backstage pass and a merchandise pack to the Arena Spectacular of How to Train your Dragon, I knew he had to enter.  All you need to do is log onto the website, upload a drawing you have done of a dragon (he did these last year), fill out your details and wait to hear if you have won.

Here's the thing - today we were reversing out of the driveway to go to school, and "Terry" starts going on about a drawing from "M1" of "Suburb" and I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!  I turn to M1 and say "That's you they are talking about!!"  Terry continues to describe his drawing, concluding with, "Congratulations M1 of Suburb,you have won a family pass, backstage tour and merchandise pack."

The excitement in the car was amazing.  The smile on his face, I think will still be there when I pick him up from school this afternoon.

How AWESOME is that.  Everyone deserves some awesome in their lives, and after the week we had last week, I am so glad this happened to us.

Congratulations M1!  I am so happy, and sooo proud of you.  It will be a great night!

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Food, Glorious Food.... Grateful for Food

"Food, glorious food, cold jelly and custard, while we're in the mood..." you know how it goes.

This week at 52 Weeks of Grateful, with Maxabella Loves it is all about being grateful for food. What a simple thing to stop and be grateful for.

How much do you take for granted having a fridge full of food, some of which you will throw out because you never got around to eating it?  Is your pantry the same?  Mine is.

 This year, I am really trying to be mindful of the food we eat and using what we have in our fridge/freezer/pantry before running to the shops to but more supplies.  This means some meal planning at times, and a little bit of creative cooking, but that's ok.  It is kind of forcing me to get organised, which is a good thing.

It is such an affluent and wasteful society that we live in, sometimes it is hard to see the abundance that is around us, and not to waste it.

There are millions in the world that are starving, and wouldn't care that the apple has a spot on it, or that the banana is a bit "brown".  Grateful for food   Yes indeed I am.

So, I am grateful that I live in a country of plenty, that basically I can eat whatever I want.  I am also grateful for the opportunity  to sponsor a child through World Vision and help their community get food.   Yes, truly I am grateful for food.

Friday, 10 February 2012

It's been a week....

It has been quite a week in our household.  

And I feel numb.

Everyone is ok.  Sort of.  As ok as you can be when all in one week,

  • You find out your hubby has significant heart problems, that will need open heart surgery
  • Your brother in law (not the one I argued with) has open heart surgery.  He is 41.
  • You are told your oldest cousin has cancer - and the outcome is not looking good.  She has 3 boys - the youngest finishing year 12.
  • The woman who drowned in Roma after saving her son, was your Aunts niece
  • Your hubby is undergoing more tests on hearing and balance to work out what's and why he can't hear properly in that ear and causing the sudden onset dizziness.
Like I said, it's been a week. 

I feel like I have been hit by a bus, and yet somehow feel it is not ok to be the one crumpling under the pressure, because none of this is actually happening to me.
Life is strange.  Just saying.

I know things will be ok, and believe it or not, mixed up in all of the above I still have so much to be grateful for.  I have also experienced lots of happy moments this week, with more coming.

Time to take a deep breath, relax, smile and get ready for round 2.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Sweet Dreams are made of ....

I haven't been able to sleep very well for the last week.  This is not a new thing for me, I have always struggled with going to sleep.  Unless I exactly catch "the window" I fail miserably.  Hubby falls asleep almost before his head hits the pillow.  Me?  I can be lying there 3 hours later.

I have tried everything.  Nothing works.

Tried writing in a diary - fail!
Tried shower and straight to bed - fail!
Write a to do list - fail!
Get up and read/watch tv - fail!
Can't stomach warm milk - fail!

And on and on.  Sadly too, my two children seem to have inherited this trait.  They always get your best bits, don't they?

But lately, there is an additional reason why I can't sleep.  A very close family member is having open heart surgery on Thursday.  He is 42.  He has two children (7 & 5) and a beautiful wife.  I have known him "forever".  I am scared for him and his family.  And for me.

Tomorrow my hubby gets his results from the cardiologist to see if he will need it too. Turns out it could be genetic. 

I just want this week to be over.  Maybe I can sneek in a sleep Tuesday night, before Thursday.  What a week.  Wish me luck!

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Grateful for Smiles - What Made me smile this week?

What a great topic to write about.  So many things this week made me smile.  
Thank you Maxabella loves for the great topic.

Working at tuck shop (for the first (but not last) time ever) - helping the school community, a good friend and getting bonus cuddles from M1 all by doing this  made me smile.

Watching my beautiful M2 being "Angelina Ballerina" all week and clutching the mail she received made me smile.

Realising that I am finally getting myself/house/work/school/life balance organised and working for me.  Yes it is taking time, but I am finally getting there.  This made me smile.

An impromptu invitation to a friends house after school on a hot day so my kids could have a swim.  Thinking about this still makes me smile.

Reading about someones passion to support ALL mums, not just working mums or SAHM.  All of us mum's are just mums.  No one in better or worse at it - we are all doing the best we can with what we have.  Knowing my kids think I am "the best mum ever" makes me smile.

A very good friend collecting my "spare child" after school (and taking him for Baskin & Robbins no less) so I could stay at work for a bit longer - that made me smile.  THANK YOU!

Really, I could go on and on this week, but I will stop.  Stop and just keep smiling.